Sisters & Brothers,
First continue to keep Ruidoso area fire victims and volunteers and Northern New Mexico floor areas in your prayer.  

Next a BIG Congratulations to Past Department President Beth Miller and the 2023-2024 Auxiliary Team on a successful year!!  Congratulations to all the new-elected Auxiliary and District Officers for 2024-2025.
Thank you to the Department of New Mexico for electing me as your Department President. I’m excited for this year. I am looking forward to working alongside each and everyone of you.  Thank you to Kim Harney for being the Auxiliary’s Installing Officer along with BJ Lawrence for installing the Comrades at the 2024 State Convention. Thank you to Commander Brian Ravak for all the kind words and his support of the Department of New Mexico Auxiliary. I promise to support the Department Commander Ravak and all the comrades of the VFW of New Mexico. Also want to thank my 2024-2025 Line Officers and Chairmen, I am honored to work with such a great group of passionate, selfless, hardworking individuals.

New this year we will have our own Circle of Excellence for Auxiliaries and one District President of the Year along with recognizing a Member of the Quarter. All information is attached.
Commander Ravak and I have a joint coin and a joint shirt. My theme is "Helping our Veterans - Past, Present and Future”. I believe it is so important to preserve and commemorate our history, in addition we need to take care of our veterans and their families. No Veterans nor their family should do without basic needs. Also we need to teach our youth to respect and appreciate our flag, our veterans, and the United States of America. My motto is "Be Humble and Kind ''. The reason I chose this was because I bought an item with this saying and was showing it to my husband, he mentioned that he always liked the saying since the song. I said what song? He played Tim McGraw "Humble and Kind” which I loved. So let's practice patience and grace by "Being Humble and Kind”.

Dates to remember:
*Flying Squadron - training on August 10 in Las Cruces. More information to follow.
*Flying Squadron - training on August 17 in Albuquerque.  More information to follow.
        (One of your top five officers needs to present to one of these trainings and remember  all trainings are open to all members.)
*National Convention is in Louisville, Kentucky on July 27 through August 1.  I’m hoping we     have a large New Mexican delegation.
* Commander Ravak’s Homecoming is September 14, 2024. More information to follow.
* My Homecoming is October 5 in Santa Fe.  More information to follow

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Together we can accomplish great things, if we work together, cooperate with others, respect one another, and give credit where credit is due. Thank you for all you do.